Monday, April 26, 2010

Format for Posts

The format for posts will become pretty evident once the reading starts, but let me give just a brief explanation here.  For each post, the title will be that of the passage read for the day, and then the body will cover any thoughts or questions.  At the end of the post, then, I will include the passage for the next day for anyone who might like to read along.  One thing in particular I did want to bring your attention to is the labels.  I'm not very good at consistently labeling my posts at my regular blog, but here I hope they will serve a definite purpose.  I intend to label each post with the books discussed in the post.  I've looked through the reading plan and so far have only found one day that has readings in more than one book: 2-3 John.  However, it's very likely that I will perhaps talk about 2 Chronicles when discussing Jonah or Amos.  Then, if you're reading along (or I'm reviewing) and remember something from another post, it will, hopefully, be easier to find it.  I had considered divvying it up more than just the book, but if I were to whittle it down to chapters, well... There'd be a lot of labels.  So, books will have to suffice.

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